9.5 Computational Analysis of ChIP-seq data
The following tutorial presumes that the user is already familiar with the following technical and conceptual knowledge: Technical requirements
The practical section presumes that the user knows how to use the following R tools:
ggplot2 package
R objects, and classes, and object conversion (list, data.frame, matrix, vector)
construction, and usage of functions
GenomicRanges, GenomicFeatures, and GenomicAlignment Bioconductor packages
Rle, coverage Knowledge requirements for the tutorial
By this chapter you should be familiar with the following terms:
Read filtering
Read mapping
File format
Structure of bed, gtf, wig, bigWig, bam
Uniquely-mapping and multi-mapping reads
PCR duplicates
biological and technical replicates
- and - strand
PCR - polymerase chain reaction
9.5.1 Prerequisites
Please install the following R packages
packages = c(
9.5.2 The Data
Experimental data was downloaded from the public ENCODE (ref) database of ChIP-seq experiments. The experiments were performed on a Lymphoblastoid cell line GM12878, and mapped to the GRCh38 (hg38) version of the Human genome, using the standard ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline.
In this tutorial, for performance considerations, we have taken a subset of the data which corresponds to the human chromosome 21 (chr21).
The data sets are located in the compGenomRData package. The location of the data sets can be accessed using the system.file command, in the following way:
data_path = system.file('extdata/chip-seq',package='compGenomRData')
The available data sets can be listed using the list.files command:
chip_files = list.files(data_path, full.names=TRUE)
## [1] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/CTCF_peaks.txt"
## [2] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/GM12878_hg38_CTCF_r1.chr21.bam"
## [3] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/GM12878_hg38_CTCF_r1.chr21.bam.bai"
## [4] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/GM12878_hg38_CTCF_r2.chr21.bam"
## [5] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/GM12878_hg38_CTCF_r2.chr21.bam.bai"
## [6] "/Users/aakalin/Rlibs/compGenomRData/extdata/chip-seq/GM12878_hg38_H3K27me3.chr21.bam"
The data set consist of the following ChIP experiments:
Transcription factors: CTCF, SMC3, ZNF143, PolII (RNA polymerase 2)
Histone modifications: H3k4me3, H3k36me3, H3k27ac, H3k27me3
Various input samples
The first step in the ChIP-seq data analysis is to perform ChIP quality control