
I wish to thank the R and Bioconductor communities for developing and maintaining libraries for genomic data analysis. Without their constant work and dedication, writing such a book would not be possible.

I also wish to thank all my past and present mentors, colleagues and employers. The interaction with them provided the motivation to write such a book, and organize and teach hands-on courses on computational genomics.

I wish to thank John Kimmel, the editor from Chapman & Hall/CRC, who helped me publish this book. It was a pleasure to work with him. He generously agreed to let me keep the online version of this book, so I can continue updating it after it is printed.

This has been a long journey for me. I started writing parts of this book as early as 2013. If it wasn’t for Vedran Franke, Bora Uyar and Jonathan Ronen, it would have taken even longer. They kindly agreed to contribute the missing chapters and they did a great job. I am thankful for their contributions.

The following people kindly contributed fixes for typos and code, and various suggestions: Thomas Schalch, Alex Gosdschan, Rodrigo Ogava, Fei Zhao, Jonathan Kitt, Janani Ravi, Christian Schudoma, Samuel Sledzieski, Dania Hamo and Sarvesh Nikumbh.

Altuna Akalin
Berlin, Germany